Fall Into Fitness: 4 Great Ways To Stay Motivated

Staying on track is hard enough year-round, but fall provides an easy means to backslide on all your hard work and progress, especially with a holiday lurking around every corner! Never fear, you can have your pumpkin pie and eat it too. The hardest thing to do is to get motivated and into a routine that will keep you healthy, fit, and less stressed going into Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and beyond! Here are a 4 great ways to stay motivated and to help you shift your mindset into fitness this fall.

4 Great Ways to Stay Motivated

1. Take time to enjoy the scenery.

Crisp air, falling leaves, the thought of pumpkin carving and apple picking…. Fall is an intoxicating time of year! What better way to get a jump start on your exercise than by enjoying the outdoors? Plus, it makes it easier later on when the weather gets MUCH colder to workout outdoors if you have gotten your body adjusted to the cooler temps. Remember that it gets darker earlier, so take steps to stay safe! If you’re running outside after work, for example, make sure you wear some sort of light-reflecting clothing.

2. Make a commitment.

Fall is a reigning champion of fun themed runs; costumed runs, Turkey Trots, it goes on forever. Making a commitment by registering for a run is a great way to lock yourself into a fitness plan- not only will you be already signed up, you’ll want to get training beforehand- which means you’ll need to get running. Be sure to train in conditions similar to the actual event, which probably means you’ll need to follow the tip above and run outside. If you still feel like you’re struggling to get moving, here’s a great list of motivational strategies for you to try.

3. Turn your TV binge into a workout opportunity.

There’s no debate about it - fall television is king! It’s so easy to get lost bingeing the newest season of our favorite shows that we leave ourselves no time to get in any form of exercise. But there’s an easy, convenient way to get yourself off the couch. Throw in some squats with your Stranger Things! Seriously, an episode is a great length of time to get in a good core workout, and you can even make commercial breaks your time to do some quick moves like push ups or a plank.

4. Take advantage of fitness apps.

With so much knowledge already in the palm of our hand, it’s no surprise that smartphones are a good place to start on the road to a healthier you. Not only are fitness apps cheaper in a lot of cases than taking boutique classes or getting personal training, they are an awesome resource for keeping track of your progress, staying accountable, and becoming more knowledgeable about your own body. Here’s a list of some of the top rated fitness apps for you to try.

Hopefully these tips will help you feel motivated to take on the holidays and emerge a healthy, fab new you!


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